Is It Illegal To Buy Youtube Views?

Buy Youtube Views

Buying Youtube views- An illegal scam or a great strategy

Can you really buy youtube views? Can you buy youtube likes? These are the question that people always tend to ask in disbelief. The word ‘buy’ triggers the people and it seem somewhat illegal or suspicious to them. Now people who are into influencer marketing, digital marketing and social media marketing know this term and for them it seems like a day to day word. But the general public and wanna be influencers are all wary of the term buying and hence are skeptical about it. There are a tons of false narratives about buying youtube view and subscribers but it is indeed a flourishing market and is a billion dollar industry.
So today we would be busting some myths about this whole debate and would answer some frequently asked question on this topic and clear the air around this controversial topic. As a future influencer and a youtube possible celebrity it is very important to understand and know this topic. When in a highly competitive environment or a market it is all very necessary to understand all possible legal and effective strategies to be in the play and win the game.

Is it illegal to buy youtube views?

This is the biggest lie or myth that has been spread and declared all over the social media platforms. The truth is that it is absolutely legal and not even the slightest of wrong in buying youtube views. Infact if you type the key word of ‘buy youtube views’ the first 3-4 results are actually Google ads, which Clearly shows that Google is putting up these ads after proper negotiations, terms and conditions. So if it was slightest on the wrong side Google would had straight away rejected these ads, have you seen any cocaine selling or gun selling ad on Google, no right? Because that is illegal, not this.

Your video content would be erased

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No this is a myth, your video would only be removed if you post any hate, discrimination, gore, or content which is illegal in the eyes of law or violating terms of service of youtube. If you post plagiarized content or violate the copyright issue then you face the possibility of your video be removed. Buying youtube views or buying youtube subscribers foe that matter cannot make your video be deleted.

Influencers and celebrities don’t use this strategy:

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Another lie collaborated more by people who are themselves indulging and using this strategy. I mean who would bust out their own secret, no one in his or her senses would do that. The truth on the other hand is that almost everyone uses this strategy in some part of their carrier. Some in the initial stages while some influencers use it in the latter stages when they find their views diminishing. Some influencers and top youtubers use it to penetrate to new demographics, they opt to buy country specific view which brings them lots of country specific followers and views. In short top youtubers do buy views time to time and it is a part of their youtube strategy.

Comments of videos cannot be brought

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Again a myth whereas the truth is that many top brands and youtubers construct systematic positive reviews and comments to publicize their videos and create a positive vibe around their video. It is an age old marketing trick. It is very much used in youtube, you can buy youtube comments and create a positive narrative around your video.

Their No need to indulge in this practice of buying youtube views or subscribers

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Well it totally depends whether you are just a youtube surfer, who only uses the youtube for viewing videos and the sole intention is entertainment and knowledge enhancement, or you want to be a top youtuber with great views, active monetization and minting money. If you fall in the former category then there is absolutely no need to buy youtube view and subscribers, but if you are in the latter one then it would be really smart and right strategy to buy youtube views and followers. This creates a base for your channel and make it look popular and credible.

This practice provides fake and inactive views

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The common perception that people have on buying youtube views is that the views that are given are all fake and from bot followers. This assumption is completely baseless and false. This can be case when your buy it from fake sites and fraud suppliers. But if you purchase the views from legitimate suppliers and sites you would get genuine and true views from original users. The people who are commenting or viewing your videos are all true and genuine and have their own subscribers’ base and viewing hours.

You can get your channel banned

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This is absolutely baseless allegation since as we have discussed in the above points that this practice is 100% legal and all the views are done by original users and moreover the Google also supports these sites as relevant from the ads they display. There has been not a single case where the buying of views has led to ban on a youtube channel. So please don’t this fear of losing your channel lead you to miss out on this amazing promotional strategy.

Buy youtube views can hinder the monetization process

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This is also absolutely baseless point. There is not link between buying youtube views and monetization process. The youtube time to time changes its rule on monetization process. Now for monetization you must have 4000 hours of views and 1000 subscribership. There is no hindrance whatsoever in the monetization process when you indulge in buying views. Indeed this practice of buying youtube subscribers can increase your chances of monetization.


The myth about ‘is it illegal to buy views’ is well busted in this article and it is pretty much clear that the practice of buy youtube views is infact one of the smart practices to be a popular and well known youtuber and enjoy the benefitted benefits of the same. So next time you hear this base less allegation you know how to shut their mouth with. So be innovating, keep on creating and reap all the benefits the youtube has to offer.
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