
5 Instagram Safety Tips For Teens

5 Instagram Safety Tips For Teens October 31, 2018 Everett Burns 5 Instagram Safety Tips For Teens Social media is an ever-changing environment with new and better applications taking over the old ones and attracting youth and old alike. Today is the time of Instagram, and it has attracted the youth especially teen like never before.  Instagram  has replaced facebook as the teen capitol of the globe. Today teens are into being influencers and general surfers on Instagram. They find it rather cool place to hang out with friend’s online, share their pictures get appreciation and meet new friends. All the teen stuff. But as every popular online trend this too has its negative implications. Cyber bullying, online harassment, stalking and luring teens into illegal activities like trafficking, drugs and prostitution is getting increased through Instagram. Teens being naïve fall easily for these traps and get into some real problem. Cyber bullying is now being rec

How To Look Beautiful On Instagram?

How To Look Beautiful On Instagram? October 30, 2018 Everett Burns “Mirror mirror on the wall who is the prettiest of them all” This fairy tale phrase never gets old. Like every human being we all want to be the prettiest of them all, and when it comes to Instagram we definitely want to be the prettiest of them all. Everyone wants to look more than his or her best on Instagram. It’s like our statement to the world and we want to rock in that. Some  instagram  profiles look so beautiful and awesome that we all wish to have a Instagram profile like that. Being beautiful on Instagram has numerous other benefits as well. You can be an influencer , you can start your on beauty, fashion, travel or lifestyle blog or products. You can win a sponsorship and earn good money out of it. Plus you can have thousands and millions of followers and admirers in your kitty. So being beautiful on Instagram is not only good for your soul it is good for your financial and social w

5 Tactical Ways To Get Maximum Engagement On Twitter

5 Tactical Ways To Get Maximum Engagement On Twitter October 29, 2018 Everett Burns Twitter is the intellectual social media platform. As per the ‘demographic inclination’ of the people go, twitter is more inclined towards people of intellect and cognitive traits. Twitter has also a tremendous potential in brand promotions and influencing. So to build up a business or brand on twitter needs smart tactics and intelligent thinking. So in this blog we would be discussing about ways that can enhance your engagement on twitter and pull up a good crowd to your tweets and hence to your brands and business. The twitter success is achievable and in grasp of all. The only thing needed is some creativity, skill, hard work a lots and lots of twitter followers. People also try by  buy twitter followers  but we would be following more economical and easy way through which you can attain maximum engagement and followers. Connect With Maximum People: Twitter is part of

How To Become A Twitter Celebrity In 8 Simple Steps?

How To Become A Twitter Celebrity In 8 Simple Steps? October 24, 2018 Everett Burns Everybody needs to get their musings out to the world. Being well known on Twitter can enable you to showcase your tweeting, however that doesn’t mean you can’t climb your way to the best as well. Some well-picked, clever blogging points and forceful self-advancement will get you exceptionally far. It is a basic human desire to be famous and well known and what better stage than on twitter. So here are some helpful tools to make you a  twitter  sensation: 1. Rekindle The Blogger In You: Twitter is a miniaturized scale blogging device; it’s essentially blogging in 280 characters or less in each Tweet. For the most part, similar rules for being a decent blogger apply for being a decent Tweeter. You can’t expect a blog with just three presents on arbitrary themes on pull in numerous endorsers. Likewise you need to think like blogger and act like one. You need to work on the f

Why Is Instagram The Number One Choice Of Brands For Promotions?

Why Is Instagram The Number One Choice Of Brands For Promotions? October 23, 2018 Everett Burns Why Is Instagram The Number One Choice Of Brands For Promotions? These days, online networking is considered as a different world with different and shifted stages, channels and medium to procure great benefit. Within excess of 2.46 billion clients according to, web based life is massively developing and upgrading its position in the market. In the present day world order, social media is considered as a humongous market in regards to online business. All things considered, it is extremely clear since web based life incorporate and rule distinctive chunk of the world population with internet based life stages like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Snapchat is still only the tip of the iceberg in terms of potential is considered. But the fact of the matter is that  instagram  is a standout amongst all other social media players. What’s more inte