How To Make Money Through Instagram

How To Make Money Through Instagram

How To Make Money Through Instagram – Let Your Hobby Make You Rich

Since the inception of social media the dynamics of traditional money making options have changed dramatically. What everyone thought was just a flash in a pan turned out to be the most revenue generating options of all time in history of mankind. Social media platforms metamorphosed from plain entertaining and social sharing options to highly profitable commercial and advertising junctions. Instagram out of all the social media platforms stands apart by a large extent when it comes to making money and generating revenue.
Blogger and Influencers on Instagram have more effect on the masses then the traditional advertising agencies and corporations put together. They are generating staggering sales and profit which traditional and old players only aspired of. This new wave of advertising known as the influencer marketing has changed the rules of the game. Now as the corporates and brands know the power these influencers possess they are more than happy to fill the coffers of the influencers with insane amount of money to promote their product and services. In short Instagram has become a great carrier option to mint money and fame as a bonus.

The extraordinary range of Instagram and power of influencers:

Instagram which was nobody a few years ago is now having a staggering follower’s count which has crossed 1 billion. This means there are 1 billion possible customers for your product and services if we look from the business point of view. This is a jaw dropping possibility. The most amazing point of Instagram is that it is liked globally which means it has a world wide range. Influencers are people who have a sizable audience following them. They are experts in their niche and a great many people from that particular niche look up to them for advice and opinion. The response of the followers of the influencers is mostly positive. This is the reason companies and commercial houses are very much interested in the influencers and ready to pay them hefty amount to promote their products.

How To Make Money Being The Influencer?

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Now that we have understood the range and reach of Instagram and the influence and power of influencer we can come to the main topic that is how to make money out of this. Well these are the few effective ways through which you make money through Instagram:

Through Sponsorship income:

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If you are an influencer in a particular niche a have a decent followers list you can very well be eligible for sponsorship income. You have to identify the brands that are active on your niche and cater to the products that are related to your niche. These companies are themselves looking for eligible influencers for promoting their products and services. Almost all the brands that are on Instagram have the link or contact info to contact them for influencer marketing. So you have to search for them, contract them and negotiate the terms of promotions and payment. Even the influencers with few thousands followers get 300-500$ per post from the sponsors of course this may vary from niche to niche and brand to brand.

Through Commission income form affiliate:

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Another form of option to get good money is through earning commissions in affiliate marketing. It is simply generating lead and conversion for an affiliate company from our set of followers or general audience. This can be done by anyone whether or not an influencer. But if you are an influencers you get an edge over the general crowd. Though Instagram does not permit the direct post of links, this can be done by giving the link in bio. There are numerous sites that give affiliate link, the main among them who are transparent and with huge market presence are (a) Clickbank (b) Rewardstyle (c) Amazon affiliate. The commission varies from product to product, the success rate is higher and chances to earn greater if one focus on the niche and works with great consistency.

Through sale of your own product or services on Instagram:

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This is very common practice in fitness and fashion niches of Instagram. Influencers in these niches give their online training and teaching programs through Instagram links. They have a decent following on Instagram and are influencers in their own niche. So people join them to learn and train under them. Though they are not physically in contact but the training is done digitally and online and clients or followers pay these influencers for their services. So if you have a learned skill which you can teach, you can very well build a large followers base and charge for your services rendered to them.

Thorough sale of Art and craft:

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Instagram is a great way to promote your talent in art and craft. With billion strong audience sky is the limit for you if you have the talent. Again building of the audience is very necessary in this and you have to be an influencer to reap out the maximum out of this. Instagram gives you the option of creating a business account and you can create one for your talent. If you have a talent in art and make out amazing artwork and crafts, you can easily find the interested parties through Instagram. You just have to find the right group or niche who have a taste in your kind of art and craft. The buyer would select the art form your collection on Instagram and pay you through PayPal account linked in bio.

Through your own online store on Instagram:

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The best way to make good money is to create your own products and online store. There are many online applications like shopify and aliexpress which gives you the option to open your own store for minimal payment. You can create your own T-shirt brand or you own signature interior décor or your photography. If you have a good Instagram follower’s base, then that audience is enough to buy and share your products. Both shopify and aliexpress give you the option through Instagram gallery apps.


Thus we see that Instagram is a humongous source of earning money online. It is such a Social media application that gives you the liberty to earn money through enjoying your hobby and at the ease of your home. If you follow the above said options you can easily create wealth and can actually enjoy it. These are the times that have given mankind the maximum chances to be rich and famous. So don’t let this opportunity pass away from you.
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