How To Increase Instagram Views?

How To Increase Instagram Views
How To Increase Instagram Views

How do Instagram Views Work and How to Increase Instagram Views for a Profitable Instagram Profile?

Instagram is the most significant and most phenomenal social media platforms of the recent times. With its user count crossing 1 billion it is force that cannot be stopped or ignored. Instagram has become source of income for some and source of luxury for some these days. It is indeed a place where the world comes to display its skills, creativity, talent and even fashion. It is also a place where brands, companies and business houses cater to the above said features with their products and services and thus an amazing balance of give and take is established using the popular Instagram platform.
We without even knowing are all part of this commerce going on Instagram. The most important aspect of this commercial face of social media is it is 100% depended on the viewing and appreciating of the audiences. Without the active participation of the users, the whole Instagram marketing strategy is a fail. So for every influencer, celebrity, brand or advertising agency getting more and more views is sacred and necessary. We would be discussing in detail about ‘how do I get more Instagram views?’ later in this blog. But before entering into that murky water lets briefly understand:

How Does Instagram Views Work?

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Whenever you post a video or live feed on Instagram, you automatically wish more and more people should view your feed, as the whole matrix of Instagram marketing and self-promotion depends upon this important factor, a view is actually:

A view is counted when a video is watched for 3 second or more:

A view is authentic and recognized by Instagram worthy of counting as a view is when a video is watched at least for 3 seconds and more. You would not get a credible view if the video is just played for a second or more, that is nil or zero in terms of effect.

A video’s view count doesn’t include video loops:

If you have a video loop and people keep on seeing the same video in loop, which does not make it multiple views. It is and would be still single view.

Instagram counts views from individual accounts as one:

There are over smart people who think that they can beat the Instagram algorithm and increase their views by viewing the same video again and again thinking that this would miraculously increase their speed. The truth of the matter is that Instagram counts views from individual accounts as one.

How do I get more Instagram views?

The million dollar question that everyone is asking here is how one can increase the instagram views. Now that we understand the whole matrix of views on Instagram, it is all more important to understand how to gain more Instagram views as the whole structure of commercial and monetary success on Instagram depends upon this factor. With more than 95 million photos and videos shared each day on Instagram you can all but imagine the humongous potential this social media giant carries.
There are many ways in which you can increase the views on Instagram. We are listing some of the more important and more effective ones so that you can benefit form that and build a formidable instagram profile.

Profile optimization:

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This is the first and foremost important aspect catering to a greater views scenario. The most important thing of all is that your profile should not be private it should be in private mode, so that whole world could see the plethora of amazing stuff you have to offer them.

Niche utilization:

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The second point but equally important to the previous one is that you must select the perfect niche for your Instagram profile. Wrong selection of targeted audiences can lead to disaster. Like you cannot post videos on hair makeup and style to an audience or group of people who are bald, I mean that would be a super disaster. So it very important that you select the niche in accordance to your preferences and likes, and choose the subjects of your post in accordance to the niche audiences preferences of choices.

Hashtag utilization:

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Hashtags are an amazing invention in the 21st century. The proper usage of hashtags can do wonders for your posts and videos. Research and data show that if you post something without a hashtag and you post the same thing with hashtag the result are poles apart. The post that were used with hashtags popular to the niche were viewed 800% times more than the ones without using hashtags. So we can clearly see that the usage of this feature can do wonders for the Instagram posts and can increase the view count like anything. The only catch is that hashtags should be researched and then used.

Content management:

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The backbone of any social media post or article is the content. It is said in the SEO circuits that content is the king. If you have a proper documented, well scripted and well produced content, there is 100% guarantee that the post or video would be a crowd pleaser and puller. So if you are a company promoting a brand and even if you are there to self-promote content is one aspect of getting great views for Instagram feed.

Video editing:

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The average human span on Instagram videos is less than few seconds. So for capturing the users’ attention the video should be captivating and accurate. So editing of the video is all the more important. A well edited video removes all the extra unnecessary clutter in the video that can be remove to make video awesome. So one should always focus and take help of necessary human or digital help to edit the video.

Varity and uniqueness:

Today people are bombarded with so much online garbage that they are always searching for some fresh and unique content. So whatever you post must not some cheap copy or plagiarized version of someone else work. Rather one should focus on creating authentic and genuine post and videos. The originality of your content combined with the above said points would create a views tsunami for your feed.

Utilize other social media applications:

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Social media is a very power source to promote and enhance the views on Instagram feeds. There are numerous social media platforms these days that can be tried to promote your Instagram account and feed, like facebook (directly through Instagram and vice versa). As the main aim is to increase the instagram video views, there is no other source which can spread more rapidly than the social media.


We have tried to quench the most asked query in Instagram ‘How do the views work on Instagram’ and ‘How to increase views on Instagram’ The points discussed and advised are tested and found to be effective. Of course there are millions of other ways to increase your instagram views, and there are people who have acquired fame thorough taking completely different approaches. But the points mentioned here are some of the best in this direction and can 100% transform your Instagram popularity and can make you a star. Who knows?
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