How Can I Hack YouTube To Increase My Subscribers?

How Can I Hack YouTube To Increase My Subscribers

How Can I Hack YouTube To Increase My Subscribers?

Youtube is the king of video sharing social media platforms. It is one of the globally dominant online phenomenon. With the reach of internet spreading every nook and corner around the world, and also with the explosion of usage of smartphones all the social media platforms have taken a north route. But with more and more smart phones the major benefiter of this attention is the youtube. With this much attention, popularity and money millions and millions of users are debuting into the youtube uploading videos and hoping for some quick money and fame. Most of these people believe that the moment they upload a video they would be instant famous and would be rained with money. The shocking truth is that nearly 95% of them fade away without a fuss and blame everyone around the universe for the failure.
The fact is that for a youtube channel to be successful you need to have views and subscribers. Without subscribers and views, any content however amazing it may be fails to create any impression and the whole effort get wasted. So we know that getting subscribers is absolutely necessary. So in this article we would be discussing about hacks that can increase your youtube subscribers.

Promote, promote and promote

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Youtube algorithm are similar to every other social media algorithms they work on the concept of reach of the video and how many people have seen it and enjoyed or liked it. So the more the platforms your video is discussed the more the chances of getting into the top feeds in your niche. So\ just promote your video and channel on every other social media platform. Ask your friends and followers on each social media platform to share your video. Make a plan for the promotion and work hard to be in line and promote at every level.

Post a video every week

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If you’re really interested in increasing your subscribers count then the best formula to do it is to post at least one video every week. The idea is to be active and consistent in this business. Youtube community is always looking for something new and fresh, so if you post on a regular basis people are interested in you and hence subscribe to your channel for latest video updates. Posting a video a week is relatively easy and also does not overdo it.

Value the viewer’s time

People come to youtube and visit your channel to see something that entertains them, something that enlightens them and increases their knowledge on the subject. The first few seconds of the video are really important to capture the audience’s attention, and if you waste this time on some long intro, or how the day went or some useless crap they would hit the next or back button. People’s time is precious and they don’t watch something that is of no importance to them. So make your video interesting from the start and cut on the excessive music or long intro make full use of the first few seconds of the video and nail it.

Create playlist for hooking more subscribers

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People often visit your video and go away, they don’t normally turn into subscription. The reason being the all your video’s are not categorized and are random. If you can categorize the same into playlist, then the viewer can identify his type and watch more of the same. Hence he would subscribe to your channel because they see a well play listed channel. Creating a playlist not only helps the new visitors with appropriate choices but also eases the older subscribers to a more easy selection in the videos they wanted to watch.

Pinterest should be utilized

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The majority of your endorsers will find you’re divert by either seeking in Google or by means of YouTube’s hunt bar. Pinterest is likewise a visual internet searcher, making it an ideal counterpart for your YouTube technique. Only one out of every odd business or brand is ideal for Pinterest. To decide if your clients live on Pinterest download our supportive group of onlookers’ worksheet. Contract a expert to transform a couple of your best YouTube recordings into Pinterest-accommodating pictures.
For instance, in the event that you run a YouTube cooking channel, you may have a Pinterest visual that offers tips for legitimate blade methods or snappy tips about preparing. On each visual resource, connection to your YouTube channel and tell individuals they can watch the full video there. Gather these illustrations and make a SEO-centered Pinterest accumulation. For instance, you could transform your theme centered playlist into a Pinterest gathering.

Utilize other social media platforms

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The youtube videos can be very well promoted and should be promoted thorough other social media platforms like facebook and reddit. Create a facebook page and a subreddit for your channel. Ask the people on these platforms about their reviews and comments and reply them if they comment. Plead them gently but firmly to share your video to their followers and connections. This option looks and is easy but is very crucial in bringing new subscribers to your youtube channel.

Create User friendly and SEO friendly titles

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Your titles should contain the keywords that you need to target. The video should have title that should appeal to the niche audience. You can’t have a title like “Why I love pets?” if your video is about making money online. The title should reflect the video content and should not be misleading. If your targets are correct and with correct keyword placement, you should have a good SERP and an ever increasing subscribers count.

Using subtitles

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Using subtitles is a good way to get the attention of the different demographical audiences. Subtitle increase the viewership count and increases your audience count by many fold and hence increases your subscription. It gives you hold over an uncaptured user base. You can research the different language audience base of your niche on social media platforms like facebook, twitter reddit etc. and create subtitle for that audiences. Thus getting a huge extra subscribers in the bargain.


Increasing youtube subscribers is essential element if you need to expand your youtube popularity and income. The more the subscribers the more the income through youtube. So we can easily say that subscribers count is proportional to youtube income. By following the steps mentioned above you can easily increase your youtube channel. So keep on adding subscriber and keep on reaping the benefits.
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