6 Ways Your Twitter Account Can Make Money For You

6 Ways Your Twitter Account Can Make Money For You

6 Ways Your Twitter Account Can Make Money For You

6 Ways Your Twitter Account Can Make Money For You

Twitter can be stated as the intellectual social media platform. It is a place where people share thought and ideas and debate over different issues and policies. It is used worldwide to indulge in matters relating to politics, environment, fashion, industry, business etc. you name it and there is a debate going for that in twitter. So if you are thinking of making money out of twitter, you are thinking right. It is the most apt place to make money. It is one of the greatest social media marketing place and people have made fortunes out of twitter. Even if you are not selling any product or affiliate you can still make money out of twitter. That is what we would be discussing in this blog about making money from twitter.

1. Find your niche:

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The first step towards a successful social media marketing campaign or monetizing is finding the correct niche and correct niche audience. There are lot of successful niches in which people are making money like fitness, cooking, motherhood etc. All you have to do is find the niche that is suiting your talent, educational qualifications and hobby. The choosing of correct niche paves way for you to get the large following you need. As the crux of making money online solely depends upon the number of people you influence and the number of people who follow you.

2. Tweet swapping is the real deal:

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If you are not interested in affiliate links and don’t have much of a followers count to qualify as an Influencer then you can opt for tweet swapping. The concept is simple yet appealing. There are influencers who have a mass following and are into affiliated marketing and influencer marketing. These Influencers often tweet about you if you share their post and their tweets or codes. The exchange is mutually beneficial as you get good organic traffic and followers of the famous person and those get to get more sales. And when you grow your followers list like this you gradually become the Influencer yourself.

3. Become an affiliate Twitter account:

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Affiliated marketing is one of the best methods to get rich online. You can use your twitter account as a medium to become an affiliate for many affiliated sites like amazon, clickbank, wallmart etc. If you have a blog or a site it would be much beneficial in the process. There are many sites that offer good bargained offer to the twitter accounts like tweet adder affiliate, Itune affiliate for Iphones and I pads, Groupon affiliate where you can commission per sale through your twitter handle and there is astrology.com affiliate where every referral gets a commission as high as 25%.

4. E-commerce can be utilized:

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Twitter is a well-known social media site and millions of people visit each day to tweet and indulge. If you have a e-commerce store or a website which sells online products and services you can utilize your twitter handle to divert traffic to your e-commerce site. Twitter is a very good medium to find the niche audience and to tell about your sites merchandise. You can very well promote your e-commerce site at twitter and the resulting traffic can increase your salesmanifold.

5. Online Advice provider:

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People often turn out to social media and internet for help in their day to day problems in different subjects and matters. If you have a command over you niche, you can very well provide a twitter support to people seeking advice and charge money for that. For instance if you are a economics teacher you can provide economics solutions to interested students on twitter and charge your fees from them, or if you are a pediatrician you can provide consultancy on twitter and charge for it. It is a really good source of income and has high success rate. The only requirement for its success is finding the correct niche and mastering it.

6. Get inline assignments or become a freelancer:

Many people, companies and organizations are in search of quality a cheap service. Twitter can be a great source of earning if you provide your service to the people who need it. Like writing a content for their project, making PowerPoint presentation for a client etc. Many organizations big and small alike are in search of people who can do their work for lesser amount then they usually pay. There are organizations which want to do a temporary project and does not want to hire a permanent staff or get into a legal agreement for the small job often hire people for that. Also many developed countries look for cheap online labor in developing an underdeveloped countries to cut the cost of the company. So this is a really great opportunity to make money through twitter.
Thus we see twitter as a whole gives real great opportunity for you to earn good money. It is all about smart analysis and hard work that can easily make you make some extra money though twitter. The only thing that you need to work hard on is to build a good formidable followers list. If you have the power of followers with you than there is not stopping you.
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