10 Simple Hacks To Boost Your Instagram Posts

Boost Your Instagram Posts

10 Simple Hacks To Boost Your Instagram Posts

Instagram the lifeline of now a billion people on our planet. To be on Instagram is the most liked passion of present populace. With the whole human race taken over by the social media wave, Instagram was like an icing on the cake. When we all thought that facebook was the ultimate gladiator of the social media coliseum, in came Instagram and changed that perception for good. Instagram has now become a new religion all across the globe, people are addicted almost same in west or in east it’s a global phenomenon. With so much attention surging around Instagram it was bound to catch the attention of the commercial world and it did. Now almost all the leading brands and even the starts up are trying their luck on Instagram to get their small share of the pie.
This whole process has given rise to individuals who have authority and power on the thinking and decision making pattern of a group or niche. These groups can consists of a few hundred members or can expands to a millions. The power and position of the influencer depends upon the size of his her followers’ turf. So the advertising companies and the sponsors pay the influencers accordingly some earn a few hundred dollars while some rake up to millions per post. It all depends upon the power of likes these influencers can bring upon their posts. So the real power on Instagram influencer marketing depends upon the ‘likes’. So the million dollar question that arises is how we can boost our Instagram posts to get more and more likes and to reach more and more audiences.

1. Create An Outstanding Profile Or Bio

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The first and foremost thing that is necessary for a roaring success on Instagram is to create an astonishing bio, the bio should be the nutshell of what you are and what your profile and post are what they would represent. So if the first step in done correct the post receive a natural boost.

2. Post timing is crucial

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Instagram is a global phenomenon and demographically it is a wide spectrum. Every country, every age group, different genders and different niche have different time zones of activeness and inactiveness. This should be researched and you should understand and discover the best active time zone of your niche or targeted audiences once you have identified this, then you must post at the time when there is maximum nice audience active on Instagram. This would give the best boost to your post and they would get the best attention which means more likes.

3. Utilize and optimize videos

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It’s a fact that on Instagram pictures or photos are more likes than the videos, but recent studies suggest that the videos are a bang on at comments. Which means that videos generate more comments, which is infact better. These studies also concluded that the comments received on videos are almost double than the pictures. This is also a proven fact though debatable that the Instagram algorithms tend to favor comments more than the likes. This means that the Instagram would rank you high if more comments are received, so work on your videos. Make informative and niche engaging videos. This would automatically boost up your post as well as your profile.

4. Contest And Quiz Management

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People like to compete and win prizes and freebees. It’s a basic human nature. So if you want your post to be popular and drawing traffic the best practice is to organize contest and asking questions. It can be anything from a caption contest, or an emoji contest, or name the palace contest. People love to answer and take a try at winning the free prize.

5. Content is crucial and paramount

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It is always said in the SEO that content is the king. It is an absolute truth and if you are really serious about becoming an influencer than you should work the best on creating a quality and credible content. The most important thing that should be kept in mind is that we should always create user friendly content. The content with which the user or niche audience can relate to and enjoy reading or seeing it. The desires and needs of the niche audience should be understood and you should design the content accordingly, when you provide what the audience was looking for you become popular and grow a good name in the niche.

6. Utilize Instagram story option

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Instagram stories is a relatively new feature introduced by Instagram and is becoming very popular among the audience. Studies shows that almost 70% of the top brands use Instagram stories to promote their brand. The positioning of the Instagram stories is on the top position, which captures the attention of the niche audience and you have a better chance at people visiting your story and liking it, giving it a big boost.

7. Use the live factor

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Being live on Instagram can be a real boost enhancer. When you get live the feeds appear on the right side with prominent sign which is easily seen. So people can easily see the sigh and visit your page this boost your profile. Seeing the live notification on the top of their feed can prompt the user to visit your profile and like and follow you.

8. Boost your posts through Instagram ads

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Instagram has a very robust and effective ad program and with this feature you can for a very nominal price reach out to your targeted audience, of which they provide you a wide filter to choose from. Once you have selected the ad package your post would be reached out to the targeted audience and your post would be boosted many folds and this also increases your followers count.

9. Be niche centric

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Instagram influencer is all about influencing people who believe in or like a certain subject, hobby, thought or anything. The group and its members are centered on that ideology and thought process. So when you wish to reach out to a particular group and be the influencer, you should only focus about this niche in your posts. You should turn out to be the center part for any debate, discussion or advice of this group. This can only be achieved if your post are centered on the niche and when they reflect the niche ideology.

10. Be consistent and post regularly

In a social media platform being consistent is really important and necessary. In Instagram out of site means out of mind. So be regular in your post, be active daily and give something on the feed daily. Connect with your niche audience daily and comment on the feeds of the other influencers and post your concerns daily. Be there always to be like always.
So we see that being famous on Instagram has amazing perks, be it monetary or popularity wise. Instagram offers a life of opportunity and money. So if you want to attain that fame and glory, work on the points mentioned in the post and work on that. Instagram success in not a myth and it can be attained by everyone with a mighty focus and sharp perseverance.
Original Blog @ smviews.com
